Fishing Tips For Catch and Release Fishing

more people are fishing for fun than they are for food. This has led to an increase in catch and release fishing. Here are a few fishing tips you can keep in mind if you are not going to keep the fish you catch.

One important point to keep in mind is that just because you release a fish does not mean it will live. Many people are not doing catch and release fishing correctly.

When you hook a fish in its mouth it is more likely to survive than a fish with a hole in its lung. If you hook a fish in the gut the best thing you can do is cut the hook and release it. They can live with a rusty hook in them or they may spit it out or the hook will dissolve.

You do not want to pull a hook out or you could hurt the fish. The easy way to remove a hook is to use a pair of needle nose pliers. If you remove the barbs from a hook it is easier than letting the fish get away while you try to pull the Hook out.

Fish are not able to survive very long outside of water so you need to release them quickly. You do not want to touch a fish with your bare hands either.

They have a slimy coat that protects them and you can strip it off if you touch them with your bare hands. Wear gloves whenever possible or if you have to touch them with your hands make sure they are wet first.

Although many people enjoy the flight that comes with catching a fish, fish are like humans and they will fight back. This builds up lactic acid when they have to work too hard and this can be toxic in their system for several days. If you’re going to catch and release fish try to keep the fight down to a minimum.

Try and not let fish flop around after you have caught them. This can bruise them or even damage their internal organs.

It is possible to revive a fish by placing it in the water with their belly down and gently grasping their tail. Gently move their tail back and forth until they give you a signal that they want to take off into the water. Be patient and they will let you know when they are ready to be released.

In summary catch and release fishing can be a lot of fun when it’s done correctly.

by William Hutchinson

About the Author:

William Hutchinson invites you to visit his Hobby Fishing Tips website for many more how to fishing tips to help you improve your fishing techniques and become a better fisherman. Visit his website now====>

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