How to Develop Your Own Bass Fishing Techniques

Although you can watch others when they are bass fishing and read about various techniques, you really have to try out the techniques for yourself so that you can put your own individual spin on them and make them your own. The bass fishing techniques that work for your fishing buddy may not work for you, even though all the techniques share some similarities. What you need to do is try out the various techniques to find the ones that work best for you and then use them to your advantage. For this reason, it is necessary for you to have an overview of the techniques used by the majority of bass fishers.


First, start thinking like a bass. Research this fish to find out what kind of food it likes to eat and what part of the lake it is most likely to be found. Knowledge of seasonal patterns are of extreme importance. For example, shad is one of the best lures you can use when fishing bass, but it is best used in summer when the shad spend their time at the bottom and a re therefore not very plentiful in the water.


Learn about the feeding habits of the bass and then look for pockets of baitfish in the water. This will likely be where you will find the bass and you won’t waste your efforts fishing in other locations on the lake. Use the electronics in your boat to find where the fish are. Even if you are just practicing throwing out the line and happen to get a bite or even catch a fish, take note of the location on the depth finder. Take note of where your lures are to see if they are in the right area. If not, you can make the necessary adjustments.


When the fish are really biting, many anglers get caught up in the moment and forget to retie or decide to wait just a little longer. The next fish could be the big one you have been waiting for and when it catches hold, it will snap your line. As you become more accustomed to the lures and which one works for you in different situations, you will also learn how to make modifications to them. You can do such things as modify a lure to run left or right or something as simple as changing the blades on a spinnerbait.


Practice is the key to successful bass fishing, just as it is with everything else. Plastic baits work best in some water, while wooden baits are better in others. There are few anglers that are experts in the use of both. Even if you prefer using one kind, you should practice using the other so that you can use it when the situation demands. It is important to know your strengths, but it is equally important to work on your weaknesses.


Techniques for successful bass fishing also include being able to recognize patterns in the water. If you see a shad flipping in the water, this could be a sign that there are bass nearby. The same thing applies to noticing ripples in the water that could denote the existence of bass chasing bait.

by Ling Tong

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