Walleye Reviews For USA And Canada

Walleye is a type of fish that is found in fresh water bodies. It is mainly found in the United States of America and Canada. The fish were given the name ‘walleye’ as a result of their eyes which are similar to those of a cat by the very nature that they shine. As a matter of fact, most fishing for the walleye fish is done at night as it is easier to spot their shiny eyes. One major feature of this fish is the good vision that they have due to their eyesight, and this enables them to inhabit the very deep areas of water bodies.

Physically, the walleye fish weighs up to 7kilogrammes and measures up to 30 cm. Most walleyes live for a maximum period of 29 years and they always sport gold or olive colors in appearance. Male walleyes are considered mature at the age of four while their female counterparts are considered mature at the age of five.

Among all fresh water fish, walleye is considered to be of the best quality as it is said to have a unique taste and is thus fished for domestic and commercial purposes. Since they have good eyesight, walleyes tend to feed very early in the morning and very late in the night. This is an advantage to the walleye since during such times other fish are under the water thus there is no competition for food.

Equally, during such times, there are lower chances of being caught or getting disrupted by any human activity. This however is a challenge for the anglers, as the good vision of the walleye enables them to see the anglers from a distance and so avoid them.

Having given a brief preview of the walleye fish, let’s now turn our focus to the Walleye magazine. This magazine, whose publication is done six times every year, focuses on the rapid growth of the walleye fishing industry and any factors that may affect either positively or negatively such growth. Among some of the contents of the walleye magazine are the most suitable places to fish for walleye fish. Other contents include the various ways of fishing walleye and the various recipes that can be made out of walleye.

This magazine also gives fishermen various fishing tips that are helpful, as they add to their fishing skills. These tips not only include the best locations for catching particular types of fish, but also the best way how to do so. The major reason why the Walleye magazine was launched is to offer assistance to fishermen who are interested in gaining various techniques and skills in fishing. It is also through the various articles and general content of the Walleye magazine that the world in general is able to keep track of growth of the fishing industry, and also ensures that such growth is protected and safeguarded.

The magazine takes an area by area review to be able to establish the status of fishing in various areas. In addition, various fishing tips and technique are given as a means of enhancing the fishing skills of interested fishermen. The magazine also focuses extensively on the various ways and means in which fishing as a commercial activity may be managed to generate as much income as is practically possible.

by Daniel Eggertsen
About the Author:

Dan Eggertsen is a fishing researcher and enthusiast who is committed to providing the best walleye fishing information possible. Get more information on walleye fishing here: http://www.askwalleyefishing.com/

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